If your order was not delivered or the package is missing after the carrier marked it as delivered, there are a few reasons why this may be the case:
- The order number may have been entered manually as a tracking number or the app may have incorrectly pulled in the order number instead of the tracking number. Please check to make sure your tracking number in the app is the correct tracking number provided by the merchant.
- Some packages can show up late or be temporarily held up in local transit. Shipping carriers can even mark an item as delivered a little early, and it may not arrive until several days later. Sometimes, a package may be delivered to a neighboring address by mistake. In this case, it's wise to check with your neighbors to locate the package.
- TwinklingTree™ is not responsible for lost or stolen packages, please file a complaint to your respective shipping carrier.
If you have any further questions on how to do this please reach out to our Customer Support Team.
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